The Wang is the Hardest Part (Caverns and Creatures)

After a hard night's drinking, Tim and the Caverns & Creatures gang find themselves abandoned and left for dead on a deserted island. They soon discover, however, that the island may not be as deserted as it seems. In order to survive, they will need to search within themselves and travel to some very dark places.

This is a standalone story in the Caverns & Creatures universe. Give it a try to see if the C&C series is right for you.

My Opinion: 50 pages??, $2.99, Available on Kindle Unlimited

Another funny short story from with the characters from Critical Failures. The humor is very inappropriate, lots of cursing, potty humor. This one is no different. Very funny to me, but be aware what kind of story it is.

Score: 7 out of 10

The Wang is the Hardest Part (Caverns and Creatures)