The Anime Trope System: Stone vs. Viper, #12 a LitRPG (ATS)

Clyde believed this was going to be a simple task. Give the blessing, get out! Shouldn’t an easy quest like this be illegal? Too bad the nation of Alon is facing a political crisis. Can Team Stone stop the wizards from ousting the royal family and taking control for themselves?

Did someone mention that the Viper roamed the city?

Clyde and his party return in September 2019’s issue, bringing the humor and fun, ass-kicking, and the rising from weak to completely unstoppable.

Book edited by Adam Luopa, new series editor!
Bookcover and character art illustrated by Worakit Chusanachoti (StarbowNext)

This novel contains sexual content, sex scenes, and sexual humor fit for anime fans. You have been warned. Not for the faintest of hearts.

My Opinion: 251 pages, $2.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

Review written by Ian Mitchell

Wizard war

Great fast read. I love anime. It's hard to give the harem members enough page time. Well edited. Silly pulp anime-themed harem LitRPG

Score: 7.9 out of 10