Dragon Heart: Sea of Sand. LitRPG Wuxia Series: Book 4

Superhero Science Fiction He was born anew in a world where martial arts were indistinguishable from magic. He only received a neuronet and meaningless desires from his past life. What lies ahead? He dreamed of adventure and freedom, but those dreams were taken away from him. The same way his mother, father, and sister had been taken away. They took the Kingdom, they took his own destiny. But he is willing to wage a war, against the whole world if need be, to bring everything back. Even if the army opposes him, his sword won't waver. Even if the Emperor sends the legions, his step won't falter. Even if demons and gods, heroes and enemies alike are to unite against him, he won't bend to their will. His own will is iron itself, unstoppable. His name is Hadjar and he heeds the call of the dragon heart within him.

My Opinion: 543 pages, $4.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

Review written by Ian Mitchell

Two heroes from legend

Wow! Both the story and translation are incredible. While I really like the larger than life Hadjar the dragonheart, the world and the adventure sucked me in and wouldn't let go until the last page. Epic and Legendary are apt descriptions. Dragon Heart keeps getting stronger and has surpassed the Cradle series for me. I like the myth-like quality of the prose and the slow reveal keeps me hungry for the next book.

Score: 9.7 out of 10
