Cannibal. Demon of the Mind. A Post-Apocalyptic Survival LitRPG Series

An act of terror eliminated civilization. Ninety percent of all adults died, and nine percent became zombies--whose brains were slowly recovered by nanites. Only one percent stayed human. Life had been turned into something resembling a computer game, where levels were increased by absorbing the nanorobots from other's bodies.

Presumptuous mankind had destroyed itself, but it might still be reborn in a new form, with a new meaning, with the sole Sun, and with the new God - the Supreme Mind.

Warning This fiction contains: Gore

My Opinion: 388 pages, $2.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

This is an interesting translated Russian LitRPG novel.  Neither the novel description or the current cover art really doesn’t do a good job of catching your attention and the title only makes sense once you’ve already started to read the story. Like with any translated work, expect some technical writing errors and translation issues. I think some of the early translation issues may put off some readers, just because it makes several RPG powers confusing. The biggest is with the ‘Jerk’ power, which took me over 30% of the novel to understand is some kind of movement ability. But before that, it was just a confusing power because it’s not well translated. 

Other than that, the story is actually pretty good, though it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. I’d describe this as a Monster MC Techno-Zombie RPG apocalypse story. It’s only a tiny bit spoiliery, but the story is told from the POV of one of the zombies during the zombie apocalypse. As he grows more powerful, he gradually increases his intelligence stat and slowly gains back more of his human memories and gets new powers. The story slowly reveals a larger and larger picture of just what is happening in the world and how it got to that apocalypse state. I think that’s the part of the story I liked the most, the sort of mystery of what happened with the world. 

The RPG stuff is decent and well thought out with the MC able to absorb nanobots from either the defeated humans or another source to level up and get upgrade options that lead to techno zombie specializations. Some of those specializations are pretty cool, but the fundamental system isn’t complex and mid and late story becomes less important and prominent. 

Overall, if you can get past some of the minor translation issues and you like a Monster MC story or just like the idea of a techno zombie apocalypse story told from the zombie POV, this might be pretty good for you. I don’t know that I’d be willing to pick up a 2nd book since I feel like a lot of the mystery was revealed in book 1, but I did enjoy this story.

Score: 7.2 out of 10  

Cannibal. Demon of the Mind. A Post-Apocalyptic Survival LitRPG Series