Michael Scott Earle

MSE Space Knight Crowd Funding - Makes Goal

MSE and Space Knight Indigogo campaign

Update: campain reached its $15,000 minimum in less than 24 hours. It's fully funded for ebooks, audiobook, and print copies. Though there are some stretch goals.

The campaign also has a different set of rewards so that those who just want an ebook copy can get theirs on MSE's website sooner.

MSE Kickstarter blows past goals

Michael Scott Earle has launched the kickstarter to fund the next novel he is publishing. It only took hours to reach the initial $15K goal to produce an ebook, audiobook, and signed physical copies of the whole series. As is, it has over $44K in support for the project, showing that MSE does not need Amazon to make money. The project has become one of the 'most backed' fiction projects on the platform. Although the $1,000 pledge has been snagged, there is still the $5,500 one that will get you a weekend to hangout with MSE. 


MSE loses court case but starts selling his books

Michael Scott Earle did not win his court case against Amazon so he will not be returning to that platform to publish. Instead, he’s decided to sell his novels directly to his fans and even start a kickstarter to fund future works with lots of great stretch goals.


In only a couple days, the response to MSE putting his works back up for sale have been astounding with many fans buying everything that’s available all at once.


You can purchase all MSE’s novels at with many 1st books in series being free: https://www.michaelscottearle.com/books-1 


You can follow what MSE says at his Facebook group:

Storyteller Michael-Scott Earle's cool club for cool people
