Paul Bellow

Human: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 2)

Black Dragons and Dwarves, Oh My!

Eric, Sarah, and the rest of the party are determined to do better on level one-two. Every action they make will affect level one-one for new players, so they strive to bring about positive changes.

Defeating a black dragon is their main quest, but the game quickly takes a dark turn. They learn of a monstrous plan by Magi Inyontoo and his Magictology crew to rid the game of all dwarves.

The risks that come with helping are great, but so are the rewards. As they journey and meet other player characters, they also hear more hints about escaping the game. Giving up is not an option.

Can this ever-changing group of adventurers make it to level one-three intact? Or will they finally find a way out of the game? Find out in this exciting second installment of the Tower of Gates LitRPG Series.

This is a full-length LitRPG novel with no cliffhanger. It is part of an ongoing series of connected LitRPG books.

Goblin: a LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates LitRPG Series Book 1)

The beginning is pretty well written. The 1st chapter of the story made me feel like the story had great potential: 3 kids logging into a forbidden VR game. Eric is in a wheelchair who gets full use of his limbs back in game. Sarah is his best friend and the girl that he’s secretly in love with. Josh is a jock that’s only there because his girlfriend is. Reading the 1st chapter, I could see a lot of potential, but it never pays off.