
Planet Hero: Sidekick

So you want to fight crime? Save people from villains? Be the good guy? If the answer is yes to all these questions, then the life of a Sidekick just might be for you. Warning: Not responsible for potential death or dismemberment.

Davis might come to regret the day he decided to become a Sidekick, but now that he has already put in the time to complete the certification program, he was going to see it through. But first, he needs to survive in the wilds for a couple of weeks with his fellow wannabe sidekicks. Nothing like teen angst and drama to make a man feel his years.

If he succeeds and makes it as a sidekick, he gets to look forward to working with the cantankerous Hammer Jack, a hero of some repute. Though whether that is good or bad is yet to be determined. The time has come for Davis to embrace his new life and take his place on Planet Hero as a lowly sidekick.

Disclaimer: This is a LitRPG or GameLit novel containing video game elements and rules.

Planet Hero: Civilian

Welcome to Planet Hero! Attention Civilians! In the event of Superhero on Villain battling, seek immediate shelter. And if a Villain decides to kidnap you, hold you hostage, or attempts to rob and/or kill you, please remain calm, Heroes will arrive shortly. Thank you for your support!

Dr. Davis Malory never planned to become a hero or a villain. He never planned on obtaining superpowers. He certainly never planned on being transported to a world filled with such people. And he most definitely never considered that he would have to become one if he ever wanted to find a way back to Earth.

But Planet Hero doesn't care about what Davis wants. If he wants to survive everything that is about to be thrown at him, he'll have to cultivate his superpowers and learn to navigate this new world or going home will be the least of his worries. Davis's days as a Civilian are officially over.

Disclaimer: This is a LitRPG or GameLit novel containing video game elements and rules.

City of Champions Online: Issue II: Rising Up

It is a dark time for the city of Atlanta.

In the world of City of Champions Online, a group of white supremacists have taken over the city of Atlanta and are holding the city hostage as they attempt to usurp control of the government. Southern Pride, the local team of 'heroes' have proven to be plants by the villains, using their position to try and give the takeover a look of legitimacy. Those who would stand against them have been declared villains, and are being hunted.

But not everyone has given up on Atlanta. Vampyra and the Misfits helped many heroes and civilians to escape the city during the initial chaos. Now, they're taking the fight to Southern Pride, and rallying anyone they can to their side, because the Battle of Atlanta is just getting started.

Super Sales on Super Sales 2

In a world full of super powers, Felix had a pretty crappy one.

After learning to harness his ability to modify any item he owns, he now runs a corporation that is rapidly expanding.


After tangling with the local Heroes guild they’ve finally settled into a semblance of stability.

Sounds great on paper. Run your company, make money, be your own boss, settle down.

Except that with running a business, comes an inordinate amount of responsibilities.

Like making sure everything keeps running and your people are paid.

Worrying about the longevity of his company, Felix begins to expand into other cities.

So they’ve packed up the car, put in all the requisite forms, gotten the approvals, and set out to start Legion up in a new city.

The problem though is the local government had no idea who they were selling permits to. Approving forms for.

To Felix and Legion.

And now they’re about to find out.

City of Champions Online: Issue I: Origin Stories

Having found the tragic truth that an art degree is worth less than the paper it is printed on, Jacquelyn Jones is frustrated with her dead end work as a graphic designer for a marketing firm, finding new ways to try and convince people that this week's 50 cent off sale is actually worth driving to the store. She's tried other VRMMORPGs, but they've all been fantasy-based, with a couple sci-fi games thrown in. But she wants something more, something Super.

Superhero VRMMOs have had a... subpar reception in the past, in part due to the fact that the nature of most MMOs makes for fairly unheroic tales. After the couple hundredth time blasting the same group of mooks from the same faction on the same street corner of the same city, using the same powerset as everyone else because you only have a few options, it is hard to think of yourself as a hero anymore.

But then she heard about City of Champions Online. For the first time, a developer partnered with a tabletop RPG maker to use their system to create a VRMMORPG, and it was one of the systems designed to be used with superhero games! And despite the name, there was no getting stuck in the same city as all the other players. The game world was a detailed replica of the real world, down to having some of the same shops and restaurants in town. She could be whoever she wanted, whatever she wanted.

Now, she just has to find a way to become the heroine she's always wanted to be.

Super Sales on Super Heroes

In a world full of super powers, Felix has a pretty crappy one.

He has the ability to modify any item he owns. To upgrade anything.

Sounds great on paper. Almost like a video game.

Except that the amount of power it takes to actually change, modify, or upgrade anything worthwhile is beyond his abilities.

With that in mind, Felix settled into a normal life. A normal job.

His entire world changes when the city he lives in is taken over by a Super Villain. Becoming a country of one city. A city state.

Surprisingly, not a whole lot changed. Politicians were still corrupt. Banks still held onto your money. And criminals still committed crime.

Though the black market has become more readily available.

And in that not so black market, Felix discovers he has a way to make his power useful after all, and grasps a hold of his chance with both hands.

Sigil Online: Paragons

Riley plays a superhero themed VRMMO, unfortunately he lost the game character he’d invested the last two years of his life building to a rare monster. Since a big feature of the game is permadeath, he has to create a new character and find some way to gain the elusive hero powers available in the game.